Saturday, July 13, 2013

Soviet Army Northern Group of Forces Wartime Order of Battle 1989

Compared to the amount of military forces positioned in the territory of the German Democratic Republic, the Soviet military presence in the Peoples Republic of Poland was somewhat minimal. In actuality, the Soviet Army still maintained a significant presence in Poland during the Cold War. When the Soviets initially positioned troops in Poland at the end of the Second World War, they maintained a force of 300,000 to 400,000 soldiers on Polish soil but as demobilization of units took place in the postwar years this presence was gradually reduced to 56,000 soldiers by the time the Army Group left Poland in the mid 1990s. 

52nd Guards Army

Northern Group Forces HQ - Warsaw, Poland
  •  20th Tank Division: Sagan, Poland T-64B, BMP-2, BTR-60, & SA-8
  • 6th Guards Motorized Rifle Division Division: Borne, Poland: T-64B, BMP-2, BTR-60, SA-8
  • Surface to Surface Missile Brigade: 18 SS-1c (SCUDb) launchers

Surface to Air Missile Brigade: 27 SA-4 (9 per battalion)
  • Attack Helicopter Regiment: Legnica, Poland: 40 MI-24, 20 MI-8E

4th Air Army

4th Air Army HQ -Legnica, Poland:
  • 1st Legnica Fighter Division: 150 MIG-29, 50 MIG-23 (50 per regiment)
  • 2nd Legnica Fighter-Bomber Division: 135 SU-24 (45 per regiment)
  • 3rd Legnica Fighter-Bomber Division: 135 SU-24 (45 per regiment)

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